Ways to Give
We make it easy to Give
Make a difference in the life of a child. Support Kids ‘n Kinship.
Businesses, individuals, foundations and our fundraising events provide the resources we need to fund our program. If you support what we do, please help us continue.
Support from Businesses, Organizations and Corporations
There are a number of ways businesses and corporations can support Kids ‘n Kinship:
Give via Company Match
Sponsorship opportunities at our Spring and Fall Fundraisers & Quarterly Events
Host an Information Session On-Site to help us find mentors for our Waitlist Youth
Sponsor an Upcoming Event or Quarterly Outing
Kids ‘n Kinship holds quarterly outings for our Kids ‘n Kinship participants. Each of these events costs us $500-$1000 to provide free-of-charge activities for our Kids ‘n Kinship youth, mentors and families. We’re always looking for businesses to sponsor these events in order to make them as successful and fun as possible . Sponsorships available for:
Ice Fishing in January
Sunday Funday in April
Camp Streefland in July
Apple Orchard in October
We also hold two annual fundraising events in the Spring and Fall and we’re always looking for sponsors for these events. To sponsor, please contact our Executive Director Alicia D. Crudup at director@kidsnkinship.org.
Financial gifts are always appreciated
Don’t want to donate online?
Kids ‘n Kinship at:
14870 Granada Ave, #127,
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Employer Match
Does your employer match your donations or honor your volunteer time with a donation? Check with your Human Resource department to find out. Need help?
Call Alicia D. Crudup at:
952-892-6368 or email: director@kidsnkinship.org.
Make a gift in Memorial or Honor
Donate to Kids ‘n Kinship in memory or honor of this special person. Your gift helps local children build strengths and assets.
Designate your United Way Pledge to Kids ‘n Kinship
Kids ‘n Kinship Inc,
14870 Granada Ave, #127, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Note: If you do not wish to have your name and donation listed in the Kids ‘n Kinship newsletter please inform the program at the time you make the donation.
Food Testing
You can earn money for Kids ‘n Kinship by signing up to be a food testers. Food testers are asked to evaluate a small portion of food and give their opinions about the product’s taste or appearance. Each time testers participate in a taste test, they receive $21.00 to $35.00 and their selected organization (we hope Kids ‘n Kinship) is credited with $6.00 to $9.00. Food testers can be anyone ages 18 to 65, without food allergies. The time commitment is generally under an hour for each test. Both day and evening times are offered. Visit www.tasteocracy.com to register. Please notify us if you do, so we recognize the name!

I have been involved in Kids ‘n Kinship for over 5 years now and am currently mentoring my second mentee. This is a great organization to provide role models to kids that are missing that in their life. Thru our weekly visits we normally try to do something outside like biking in the summers and hiking or snowshoeing in the winters. He is a video game guy and normally never leaves the house. School attendance has been an issue for him and one of my goals is to see him graduate from high school. He is currently in the 10th grade.
If it was not for this mentorship program he would still be indoors every day and not in school.