Pen Pal Program
Build a stronger community through our Pen Pal Program
The Kids ‘n Kinship Pen Pal Program is a new program to support the children in our program who are currently waiting for a mentor. This Pen Pal Program is ideal for 18+ year old volunteers who:
- Wish to support children in a unique way, to reduce youths feelings of isolation and loneliness
- May not meet the minimum age requirement to be a mentor
(We ask for mentors who are 21+)
- May not be able to make the time commitment it takes to be a mentor in the program
No need to live locally, we have Pen Pals from all over the US!
Pen Pal Program

Pen Pal volunteer responsibilities include:
Writing a letter to your assigned Kids ‘n Kinship waitlist child at least once per month
Respond to the child in a timely manner
Pen Pal volunteer qualities include:
Volunteer must be patient, take the lead in initiating ongoing contact
Volunteer must have the ability to manage time efficiently to respond in a timely, consistent, and reliable manner to the child you are paired with
Volunteer must practice confidentiality policies to keep the privacy of the child a priority.
Pen Pal Time Commitment
Approximately 1 hour/month or bi-weekly contact in an effort to establish and maintain a positive relationship with the child you have been paired with
We would ask that Pen Pals sign up for a 6 month – 1 year timeframe. Pen Pals are assigned with one youth, or if the youth is subsequently matched with a mentor, then getting assigned a new youth on the waitlist.
Resources provided by Kids ‘n Kinship
Each month pen pal pairs are sent: Stamps, envelopes, topics & seasonal prompts to write and reflect on.
Training, support, and access to a Kids n Kinship coordinator to best support the youth they are paired with.