Match Spotlight
Recent Match Spotlight Posts

SIX Year Anniversary: Match Spotlight
Happy 6th Anniversary to this Incredible Match! This match is still going strong after SIX years! A typical week for this match includes dinner and games. A fun new activity this year has been going to the gym together. We are so grateful to Sara and Don for the...

Two Year Anniversary: Individual Match Spotlight
Happy 2nd Anniversary to this Amazing Match! From the Mentee: “One of the highlights with Joe this past year would be I got to experience building a computer with him. It was a fun project to work on with him and I really enjoyed it. I’m really grateful to have...

Three Year Anniversary: Family Match
Celebrating 3 YEARS! Three years goes by in a blur, but it's this year when Khasiem is turning into a teenager alongside our two older kids that I've started to appreciate the longevity of our match. One day we picked Khasiem up, and we'd been on vacation and hadn't...

Don & Jerehmiah – One Year Matched!
Thanks, Don, for sharing what this first year matched has meant to you! Volunteering as a Kid's and Kinship mentor has offered me a meaningful, low stress way to stay engaged and contribute to my community. This involvement has provided an added sense of...

Allen & Gio have been matched for FOUR years
Allen & Gio have been matched for FOUR years. We love to hear the perspective of both the guardian and mentor and what the match has meant to each of them. From Gio's mom: I know for myself, and Giovanni, we see Allen as a significant support in his life. Everyone...

School-based turned Community-Based: One Year Anniversary
Hear from this adorable match who's celebrating their one year match anniversary: Meeting weekly at Kate's school, we were able to enjoy time together by playing games or doing art crafts while we talked. We played games that Kate already knew like Uno and Mancala. We...

Two Year Anniversary for this Family Match
Here are some photo highlights from our past year together. We have established seasonal traditions- celebrating the last day of school by going out to ice cream, raking leaves in the fall, attending the jack-o-lantern festival at the zoo, decorating for Christmas...

Celebrating Two Years in a Family Match
We have enjoyed watching Leyton grow in these last two years! He is always ready to use his imagination and teaches us so much about cars, video games, and new music! -Chelsea, Family Match Mentor Being in a Family Match really means folding another...

Joe & Levi: Celebrating One Year as an Individual Match
Things have changed a bit for this match who met more than a year ago (pic on the left). But even with a newborn baby in the mix a year later, Joe continues to be there for Levi in their individual match. A lot of the concerns we hear about mentoring is whether or not...

Navarus & The Ruffs: Celebrating Three Years as a Couple Match
We love to get out and do things with our match, Navarus. Sometimes we do things that we would do anyway, like go to the Minnesota State Fair, take a bike ride, or go for a walk in Lebanon Hills park. When Navarus is with us, he notices things that we might...
Recent Posts
SIX Year Anniversary: Match Spotlight
Happy 6th Anniversary to this Incredible Match! This match is still going strong after SIX years! A typical week for this match includes dinner and games. A fun new activity this year has been going to the gym together. We are so grateful to Sara and Don for the...
Two Year Anniversary: Individual Match Spotlight
Happy 2nd Anniversary to this Amazing Match! From the Mentee: “One of the highlights with Joe this past year would be I got to experience building a computer with him. It was a fun project to work on with him and I really enjoyed it. I’m really grateful to have...
SUN ThisWeek Article
Thanks for the coverage, SUN Thisweek! We appreciate you helping us to spread the word about our upcoming Sunday Funday fundraising event as well as our need for mentors for the 45 youth on our waitlist....
Spotlight in Eagan City Lifestyle
A HUGE thank you to Eagan City Lifestyle for featuring an amazing article on Kids 'n Kinship in your December issue: We say it often because we mean it, we wouldn't be able to do the work we've done for local youth in...
Grateful in 2024
Even in this difficult year, we still have so much to be grateful for in 2024: When you support Kids ‘n Kinship, you support families like Nicolle & J. J waited almost two years for the right mentor to come along. The waiting period was frustrating for Nicolle...