A Kids ‘n Kinship mentor family shared, “Two years have gone by fast, but we’ve had so much fun. Events that stand out are ice fishing and the Kids ‘n Kinship 5K in the rain, which actually made it quite memorable (as did the Crumbl Cookies at the end).   Special moments were being a part of the match video for last year’s gala (and our mentee’s enthusiasm in her responses!) and canoeing at Camp Streefland. Our mentee told us when we matched that she NEVER wanted to go canoeing. So when we arrived at Camp, we asked her if she wanted to do something brave. She said yes, so we proceeded to the canoes. We encouraged her to conquer her fear, challenge herself and set a goal of making it to a certain point in the lake. Despite her initial protests, we made it to that point. To say she was brave would be an understatement, and she was very proud of herself when we returned to shore. Being a part of this growth was priceless. She fell asleep in the car on the way home so we know we had a great evening of adventure and we look forward to many more!”


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info@kidsnkinship.org | 952-892-6368

Serving children in the communities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville and Rosemount.

Member of the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce

Affiliate of National Kinship

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